Over my trip home for Christmas I was able to read a couple of books (the 2nd review will be up next week) and I found one of them to be very chalenging and inspiring.
Every now and then there will be a book that will challenge the way you think, or the way you live. A few years ago Blue Like Jazz was a book that challenged the way I thought about my faith. Not that it caused me to intellectualize Christianity and hold to a belief system that has not supernatural in it (some people came to this conclusion, although I have never gotten that from any of Donal Miller's writing.
This year I read a book that is challenging how I live. Chan lays out very basic simple truths that most Christians would claim to believe that have no problem with. However, Chan does what few authors have the guts to do, he makes you question whether you really believe what you say. If we believe a certain way then out behavior has to be effected. In fact just this past Tuesday I challenge our students to question what they believe based on their actions. For example, if a man view pronography he is believing the promise that pronography makes.
In the same way, if we believe the promises of God, we as His people, will behave in a manner that reflects what we believe.
Chan does a great job in this book of fleshing out what it looks like to live our lives with a belief in the promises of God. I would high recommend this to and Christian that is tired of living their life in mediocrity.
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